Healthcare and Medical Device

Clients & Projects

Our Healthcare & Medical Device Work

Past healthcare and medical device clients have trusted us to:

  • Transform healthcare and medical device businesses to scale
  • Improve sales performance and process
  • Launch new technology and assist in commercialization
  • Find ways to grow and promote their brands
  • Fill leadership gaps as they conduct a search
  • Start the right systems, processes, and measurement
  • Build a marketing engine that drives accountable results
  • Tap into deep healthcare industry expertise to avoid mistakes
  • Identify areas of highest growth impact
  • Add bandwidth when and where it's needed most

Company: BandGrip
Role: Fractional Chief Marketing Officer
Project: Micro-Anchor Skin Closure Product Launch
Market: Orthopedic

"Hiring Lesly is one of the single best decisions I have made for BandGrip."

“As a fractional Chief Marketing Officer, Lesly is an invaluable strategic partner to our medical device startup. She not only set our strategic direction but also successfully executed our launch of BandGrip Micro-Anchor Skin Closures in the orthopedic market. Lesly has an innate ability to take my (sometimes crazy) ideas, look at the big picture and translate them to actionable and executable tactics to help our business grow. She has been instrumental to our team in leading all aspects of marketing, sales, business development, and enterprise value creation. She has done it with a ton of energy while motivating our staff to reach further than they thought possible. Hiring Lesly is one of the single best decisions I have made for BandGrip. Her breadth and wealth of experience in the healthcare market along with her ability to help me see problems from multiple angles is nothing short of amazing. She is an absolute joy to work with and there is no one better that I could have picked to help us get to the next stage of our growth trajectory.”

Fred Smith, CEO | BandGrip

Company: HomeThrive
Role: Marketing Advisor
Project: Market Research & Marketing Strategy
Market: Aging in Place Care Services

"Lesly's unique ability to see opportunities ... has allowed us to ... accelerate our growth."

“Lesly is an exceptional marketing leader. She helped us tap into our key target market and led our primary market research to better understand our customers’ needs. Through her key insights, Lesly helped us refine our overall messaging, services, and positioning so that we could succeed in attracting new customers to our business. Lesly’s unique ability to see opportunities in the marketplace and translate them into actionable steps has allowed us to capitalize on those insights to accelerate our growth. I would highly recommend Lesly for any company looking to grow their business in new areas or markets.”

Dave Jacobs, Managing Director & Co-Founder | HomeThrive

Company: Vonco Products
Role: Marketing Advisor
Project: Medical Device Portfolio
Market: Packaging

"The difference [Diberin] makes is truly transformative."

“We brought in Lesly to help us brainstorm white space opportunities for our company. While there are plenty of marketing consultants out there, Lesly’s talent is unique. Because of her intimate understanding of business fundamentals, and her experience in start-ups to large corporations, she is always able to gain people’s trust and find creative ways to unlock their potential. As a result, the difference she makes is truly transformative. She was able to guide us to a new medical device portfolio that we have since started to invest in and is yielding a new engine for growth for our company. We have continued to tap into Lesly’s expertise and knowledge to guide us in our new endeavor and I rate her as one of the very best.”

Keith Smith, President | Vonco Products

Heathcare Industries Served

Medical Device Manufacturing

Medical Device Converters

Pharmaceutical Healthcare Startups

Biotechnology Healthcare Startups

Medical Contract Manufacturing

Medical Supply Startup

Free Healthcare Startup Consultation

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